This is such classic problem of mine, which has been going on for years and years. Awakened from sleep and feel exhausted, i had enuff bad dream ! really ! but this shit just never go away, chasing chasing me, haunting and makes me sick of it ! One day i woke up 3 AM dreaming of me cut a cat, later i cut fish, chicken, and the idea of thinking i have vicious mind makes me cried. Twice, a friend of mine caught me laughing while i'm sleeping, scary is it ? Someone tell me please i'm not out of my mind. There are those days i constantly dreamt of babies, i mean cute babies, that one i have no problem with, i love babies. But, what really bothered me was a sequence dream of snakes, alligators, GOD help me !

Since no one can help from this abnormality, i did some research from internet (talking about desperate ? tell me about it !). Some of the result are :
Sigmund Freud had proposed that dreams are the means of one's expressions of his/her unconscious wishes. He had said that bad dreams allow the brain to gain control over the feelings that are a result of distressful experiences. Some theories say that dreams involve one's repressed emotions that are fantasized during the sleep while other theories suggest dreams to be an outcome of the cleaning-up operations of the brain.

And some finally came with questions :

QUESTIONS to help you make associations(pick the one that makes most sense to you)
  1. Did you take some risk yesterday and not really realise just how serious the consequences may have been? -> my answer : I play safe, that's probably the major issue, too idiot to take a risk.
  2. Have you started to realise that things are about to change? -> my answer : Aren't things exist to change and evolve ?
  3. Do you mistrust someone at the moment? my answer : ANOTHER MAJOR ISSUES
  4. Do you find it difficult to trust? my answer : Gotta agree, it is difficult sometimes
  5. Are you suffering a serious illness which has been getting you down? my answer : Nope
  6. Are you wanting to do something that may have serious consequences ? my answer : Yes
Anyway, those theory just a theory that makes me even moreee confused, left me with no solution. Someone, anyone, anybody, whoever, please care to bring me a dream catcher. I need it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

doh, musti aku kelonin bobonya biar mimpi indah. hehehe
jangan nonton dexter dulu yah! :D