I didn't realize how much life changing everyday, even when you just walking the same road everyday, eating almost the same menu, going to one place after another just for seeking something really new, but in the end it's just you and yourself. Alone.

It is started at the end of year 2009, i made several promises to myself or i'd rather say it as -things for me to chase-, i don't usually get really hard in life, i won't say it easily or lucky, but somehow universe comes to me, and that universe is a girl, you might wonder why do i call that, no you won't get the reasonable answer, it's just feels right to me. The girl is my best friend and an enemy sometimes, but she taught me a lot, i mean a lot ! The laugh, tears, hate, love, scars.. There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature, they tell you of who you was and who you are. Just like one of the status i wrote on my facebook wall
that we got million options to be made everyday, we lead the wrong for million times too. But i say that life is about making mistakes, get up, move better. There u can see wether you are an idiot or a lucky bastard ! Btw, i mean it, every word !

Anyway, the -things for me to chase- is a list. One, a promotion. Two, an increase payroll. Three, my sister got into one of the most promising university in Bandung so finally the three of us, me, brother & sister living together. Four, see the other side of the world.

The long monologue above is a phrase of random mind that conclude to one, BLESS. Everything i have in my hands, my head, my wish all the four of them is in my hands. packed and delivered. i have no reason to be sad, i have all reasons in life to be happy, happy and happy.

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