This post is actually related to my previous postings of here and here. It's funny that I never actually mention the result of my first project. Tidak menyangka sebetulnya kalau proyek iseng kali ini mendapat begitu banyak apresiasi dan sambutan yang baik. Sempat merasa kalau saya begitu lumayan judgemental terhadap hasil karya saya sendiri, ada perasaan takut akan gagal atau jadi jelek dan paitnya2 malah gk ada yang minat sama sekali. Tapi, dengan dibantu orang2 luar biasa di belakang ini semua, the sales proved that I'm wrong!

Polka. memang salah satu jembatan saya untuk 'keep insane living in this sometimes plain world'. I think it's important to keep our self be creative, to remember and keep doing something that are worth to fight for.

It's a warming up before I start challenge my self again for the second time. Just wait for Polka's second collection. I'm highly optimist about this. and hey.. I'm Inspired !

For more info, please go to our website www.your-polka.com

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